Suggest the following database profiles are adjusted as indicated:
D-IWEL This Beech B-60 Duke is correctly profiled with four photographs and a linked airframe. Suggest the other profile be deleted.
F-GEJF This V953C Merchantman is correctly profiled with three linked airframes . Suggest the other profile be deleted.
N14RJ This Handley Page Jetstream is correctly profiled with a photograph and four linked airframes. Suggest the other profile be deleted.
N479RR This PA-28RT-201 Arrow IV is correctly profiled with two photographs and a linked airframe. Suggest the other profile be deleted.
N75040 This PA-28-151 is correctly profiled and suggest the PA28-151 profile be deleted.
OY-ALN This DH-82A Tiger Moth II is correctly profiled with three photographs and two linked airframes. Suggest the other profile be deleted.
SP-ENM This Boeing 737-8CX is correctly profiled with four photographs and a linked airframe. Suggest the other profile be deleted. Separate profile D-ASXI should then be linked with the retained SP-ENM profile.