Suggest the following adjustments be made to database profiles:
N-3514A This Piper PA-22-135 Tri-Pacer profile should be deleted and photograph AC1591184 added to the correct profile N3514A.
N9765F This Fairchild 71 should be corrected to N9765.
N19274 This Cessna 177B Cardinal is correctly profiled and the invalid linked airframe 19274 should be deleted.
U-CF Suggest this Arado profile be deleted and photographs AC1496949, AC1496952, AC1496953 and AC1496954 added to those with the Ar-96B-1 Sokya profile 425462
VF 57 Suggest this code based AB-412SP Grifone profile be renamed I-VFOI and VF-57 replacing the alternative code, thus matching corresponding database profiles.