Admin Team: Ken, Paul, Chris, Walt, Malcolm
Suggest the following database profiles are deleted:
002 This Il-2M3 Shturmovik profile should be deleted and photographs AC790833, AC791666 and AC792823 added to those with the correct profile N112VW.
19283746 This spurious twelve-seater SR-71A profile should be deleted.
A-2518 This profile should be deleted as the helicopter is correctly profiled as A-2618.
CFBLY This profile should be deleted and photograph AC928124 added to the correct AG-5B profile C-FBLY.
CF-TIU This Douglas DC-8-63 is correctly profiled with two photographs. The other two profiles should be deleted as they refer to a later freighter configuration.
F-MJDD Suggest this radio-callsign based profile be deleted and photographs AC435591, AC466727, AC466749, AC929303 and AC929325 added to the EC-135T profile 0727.
JA 333J This invalid profile should be deleted as the aircraft is correctly profiled with two photographs as Boeing 737-846 JA333J.
N809LR There are three separate profiles for this DHC-8-102 Dash. Suggest the profile with a linked airframe be retained and the others deleted.