Admin Team: Ken, Paul, Chris, Walt, Malcolm
Suggest the following adjustments be made to database profiles:
4576 This P-3N Orion is correctly profiled with six photographs, but the linked airframe is a P-3B and should be moved to the P-3B Orion profile 576.
85-0007 This Lockheed C-5B Galaxy is correctly profiled with a photograph but the invalid linked airframe should be deleted.
85861 This Lockheed Martin F-16I Sufa profile should be renamed 858.
E9-74 There are two profiles but the airframe c/n 7 should be renamed E9-7. N90RF This Boeing A75 is correctly profiled but the invalid linked airframe 90RF should be deleted.
N386AZ This Embraer ERJ-145XR is correctly profiled with a photograph, but wrongly linked with ERJ-145XR N286SJ for which the correct C/n is 14501153.
T3-61 This C-47 Dakota 3 is correctly profiled with seven linked airframes of which 745-61 and 901-12 are aircraft codes borne whilst in Spanish Air Force service. Suggest they be deleted as airframes and added to the T3-61 profile as alternative codes.
SU-BLA Suggest this Beech 1900C profile be deleted and photograph AC607729 added to the Beech 1900C profile 4802.