Ken, Chris, Walt.
As far back as I can recall, the Aircraft Comments Manager section ends up with several pages of unanswered comments, miscellaneous queries, etc., which inevitably end up being deleted. By now the past total probably runs into hundreds!
Clearly, even though Ken strengthened the wording on the comments page, people have continued to post inappropriately, and understandably (to us), receive no response and I believe this reflects negatively on the site.
I would like to suggest the following.
1. Delete "Comment on this aircraft" from the profile pages.
2. Ensure that we have the facility for such communications in the forums (I think we have!)
3. Retain for the Admin team only a facility to continue to add valid comments to profiles by limiting access to the existing upload form. The number of valid comments from members and visitors is low and can be dealt with by Admin members copying such information from a forum post into the comments upload page.
May we please give this serious consideration.