Admin Team: Ken, Paul, Chris, Walt, Malcolm
Suggest the following adjustments be made to database profiles:
394 The correct registration for this EMB-312F Tucano is 439.
6603 This P-3N Orion is correctly profiled, but the linked airframe is a P-3B and should be moved to the P-3B Orion profile 603.
15001 This CC-150 Polaris is correctly profiled with ten photographs. Suggest the A310-304 profile be deleted.
B7796 Suggest this profle be registered B-7796 and linked with the CL-600-2B16 profile C-GJYS.
AE.9-010 Enquiry of this profile produces an HTTP 404 error and suggest the profile be renamed AE9-010.
C-FXMF Suggest this profile with the registration shown as the c/n be linked with the profile CF-XMF.
CC-CGC This SA-315B Lama is correctly profiled but one of the two linked airframes should be deleted.
G-AOJD This Viscount 802 is correctly profiled with a photograph. Suggest the linked airframe be deleted as this registration was not taken up by BEA, and is itself correctly profiled as a Jet Provost T.2.
G-GRIF This Commander 112TCA has two separate profiles with differing linked airframe. Suggest they be combined into a single profile.
G-BPNK This HS.748 Series 2A has two separate database profiles with differing linked airframes. Suggest they be combined into one.
N61MV This de-registered Agusta A-109S c/n 22066 is wrongly linked with Agusta A-109S N6MV for which should the correct c/n is 22282 and is still a valid FAA entry..
N758PA This Boeing 707-321 is correctly profiled with seven linked airframes. Suggest the other profile and two airframes linked with it be deleted.
OH-FPC There are two profiles for this Dassault Falcon 20F each with two differing linked airframes. Suggest they be incorporated into a single profile.
OT-ZAD Suggest this aircraft code-based profile be deleted and photograph AC298472 added to those with the profile RM-4. The code OT-ZAD could then be added to that profile to match corresponding database profiles.
XN793/A Suggest this Lightning F.2A profile be renamed XN793.
T.16-1 Enquiry of this profile produces an HTTP 404 error. Suggest the profile be deleted as the aircraft is correctly profiled with two linked airframes as T16-1.