Admin Team: Ken, Paul, Chris, Walt, Malcolm
Suggest the following adjustments be made to database profiles:
46-40 This aircraft code-based profile should be amended to show MM62175 as the registration and 46-40 shown as the alternative code. The line number entry should also be deleted.
149997 The serial number of this preserved A-4E Skyhawk should be corrected to 149977.
EI-229 This aircraft code-based profile should be deleted. The aircraft is correctly profiled as MM54-2525 with EI-229 shown as the alternative code.
EI-274 The aircraft is correctly profiled as MM54-2617. Suggest the profile EI-274 be deleted and instead entered as the alternative code on the MM54-2617 profile.
G-KNLW This profile should be deleted as the airframe is correctly profiled with twenty-eight photographs as G-KLNW.
HP-1824 The registration for this Boeing 737-86N should be amended to HP-1824CMP.
228WH Suggest this Cessna 750 Citation X profile be deleted and photograph AC982325 added to the N228WH profile.
N404ME Suggest this incomplete Cessna profile be deleted.
N518WW This SNJ-5C is correctly profiled with sixteen photographs and two linked airframes. Suggest the linked airframe SNJ-5C 51868 be deleted and photograph AC530480 added to those with the N518W profile.
N7971J This Bell 212 is correctly profiled but the linked airframe should be corrected to 5X-UWF.
OK-KGF This Aero Super 45 is correctly profiled with four photographs but the invalid linked airframe should be deleted.