I have to say that I find the current situation regarding administration of the site to be both disappointing and demotivating.
I of course understand that as the site owner you are free to make whatever decisions you feel are valid.
However I feel that I have to say that your decision was based upon the behaviour of someone who told me on a public website to g* f*** y******* for which any other website, I feel sure, would have banned him immediately and permanently.
Doug Robertson's behaviour was almost as unacceptable but there was no apology from him and no one appeared to be in anyway critical of what he said.
Whatever high regard he may held in, this does not make his behaviour acceptable and he should have been asked to apologise.
Also I have seen no evidence whatsoever of any unhappiness in respect of my editing work on the part of other members. Having made thousands upon thousands of profile revisions, I do not recall a single individual suggesting that any of these revisions were incorrect - except for one!.
The situation now is that every day more incorrectly located photos are being uploaded, two members are uploading ridiculous letter box sized images, although they were kindly requested and agreed not to do so, VERY clear duplicate images are entering the database as are inverted images and inappropriate images.
All because two members objected to an action of mine which was clearly in accordance with your own instructions.
This unique site provides unequalled freedom for members compared with any other organised aviation website across the internet and we have allowed the actions of these two individuals to damage its reputation.
Consider for example the reduction in forum postings over recent weeks.
These freedoms must continue and not allowed to be damaged by persons who seek disruption for self serving reasons.
What would have been wrong with maintaining the photo editing functions but to take a more lenient attitude toward duplicates?
Perhaps you would be so kind as to explain why, having been publically humiliated, I now seem to be the reason for the site having taken a backward step.
Deeply distressed seems hardly to begin to describe how I feel.