I feel that the database needs some tidying up around the above two manufacturing names.
A newly formed company Glasair Aviation bought the assets of the bankrupt Stoddard-Hamilton company in 2001.
Now I feel that I should explain that the following information is for guidance and not necessarily to be followed.
Airliners.net continue to use Stoddard Hamilton for all Glasair named products except those which were not produced by Stoddard-Hamilton, i.e. the Sportsman models for which they list Glasair as the manufacturer. One assumes that they regard all the other models to be attributable to Stoddard-Hamilton even when produced by Glasair.
ABpic use Stoddard-Hamilton for all including the Sportsman which I regard as incorrect.
An alternative would be to use Stoddard-Hamilton for all registrations up to and including 2001 and Glasair after that date. A small problem with this is that a few kits bought up to 2001 may not have been registered as a completed aircraft until a later date. A further complication is that some of the database entries do not have a manufacturing date listed.
I have been unable to find any serial number (cn) listings.
Would anyone care to comment as to what course of action would be preferable?