Personal circumstances required that I delete this quiz earlier because I had to be off-site inactive for some time and unavailable to answer. There were about 300 views back then but no answer attempts, as I recall, apparently showing my aviation quizzes are tough, and that is my goal-to ask the esoteric.
The first non-stop transcontinental scheduled passenger air carrier service in the USA took place many years ago.
1. What airline first offered this service?
2. What was the year of this first service?
3. What aircraft did they use? Make and model number needed.
4. What is an absolutely unique feature of this airline's PRESENT non-stop transcontinental (coast to coast) passenger service? Nota Bene: this question reveals the air carrier in question is still in service in 2014.
5. What aircraft provides the present service of question #4 for this air carrier?
Make and model number needed.
I won't give credit for ANY answers until ALL are correctly answered, perhaps making this a tougher quiz. Prove me wrong!