Admin Team: Ken, Paul, Chris, Malcolm
Suggest the following adjustments be made to database profiles:
13-8514 This Airbus H-36 Caracal should be renamed 8514 but otherwise the profile is correct.
C-FINE This Cessna 170B is correctly profiled but the linked airframe C – FINE should be deleted.
C-GBBJ This Hughes 269C is correctly profiled but the linked airframe GBBJ should be deleted.
CGGCH This otherwise correct LA-4-200 Buccaneer profile should be renamed C-GGCH.
D-AGBD Suggest this invalid profile be deleted as the aircraft is correctly profiled with twenty-six photographs as D-ABGD
EAL Suggest this code-based NH-90 TTH Caiman profile be renamed 1307 with EAL shown as the alternative code to match corresponding database profiles.
G-MYLL This Pegasus Quantum 15 is correctly profiled, but suggest the other dubious profile be deleted.
TP-25 Suggest this aircraft code based profile be renamed K-6 with TP-25 added as the alternative code.
VH-XNF This Jetstream 41 is correctly profiled other than the linked airframe VH-NXF which should be deleted