Admin Team: Ken, Paul, Chris, Walt, Malcolm
Suggest the following adjustments be made to database profiles:
224 Suggest this incomplete purportedly Shackleton profile be deleted.
D-EEEA This Tecnam P-2008JC is correctly profiled with a photograph but the invalid linked airframe DEEEA should be deleted.
D-EFFV This Lake LA-250 Renegade is correctly profiled with eight photographs and two linked airframes of which CFFFV should be deleted.
G-AVMZ This BAC 111-510ED One-Eleven is correctly profiled with a photograph and two linked airframes of which G-CAVZ is invalid and should be deleted.
G-BHZT This Scottish Aviation Bulldog Series 120 is correctly profiled with two photographs, but the linked airframe 006 should be corrected to OD6.
HK4607 Suggest this Boeing 727-259F profile be renamed to match corresponding database profiles.
ZK-HGV This AS-350B-2 Ecureuil is correctly profiled but the invalid linked airframe HGV should be deleted.