Admin Team: Ken, Paul, Chris, Walt, Malcolm
Suggest the following adjustments be made to database profiles:
33-TP Suggest this aircraft code-based profile be deleted and photographs AC410024 and AC908753 added to the Mirage IIIRD profile 367.
61-4840 Suggest this invalid profile be deleted as the serial was unused by the USAF.
021895 Suggest this spurious gyroplane profile be deleted.
C-GQBG1 Suggest both this B707 profile and the linked airframe C-GQBG be deleted as the aircraft is correctly profiled as Boeing 707-123B C-GQBG, complete with a photograph and four linked airframes.
EI CJC Suggest this incomplete profile be deleted as the aircraft is correctly profiled with linked airframes as EI-CJC.
N8658A This Boeing 737-8H4 is correctly profiled with a photograph but the invalid linked airframe should be deleted.
N8662F This Boeing 737-8H4 is correctly profiled but the invalid linked airframe should be deleted.