Admin Team: Ken, Paul, Chris, Walt, Malcolm
Suggest the following adjustments be made to database profiles:
133-AU Suggest this aircraft code based profile be deleted and photograph AC988304 added to the Mirage 2000D profile 653 with the alternative code 133-AU.
133-JI Suggest this aircraft code based profile be deleted and photograph AC988305 added to the Mirage 2000D profile 675 with the alternative code 133-JI.
18692 This Boeing 707-323C profile should be renamed N7558A.
N65322 This Dornier Do-28B-1 is correctly profiled but the linked airframe should be corrected to NAF-174.
NOT FOUND Suggest this IMAM Ro-37bis profile be deleted and photograph AC1030145 added to the IMAM Ro.37bis Lince profile MM11341.
TC-JOC The A330-303 profile c/n 1522 linked with F-WWKU is correct, whereas the other with c/n 365 is invalid and should be deleted. C/n 365 itself is correctly profiled as A330-243 PR-AIY.