N1052E is a 1946 Aeronca 7AC Champion. It is NOT a Champion 7AC as the follow-on company Champion Aircraft of Wisconsin never built the 7AC model Champion. They did build a 7EC higher horsepower model as their first model produced.
There were/are several builders of similar or same ATC aircraft. First, Aeronca Aircraft until 1951 closure. Then Champion Aircraft starting in 1954-55, coining the word/model Citabria, Airbatic backwards. And now, American Champion, a different Wisconsin company builds follow on models to this day.
A look at the Aircraft Manufacturer list here shows many discrepancies of Aeronca 7AC models labeled under Champion Aircraft or American Champion aircraft. These are incorrect manufacturers of 1945-51 registered aircraft.
Our FAA has it wrong with Champion listed as the manufacturer, which is an impossibility. Perhaps that is the source of your error.
Please relabel N1052E as an Aeronca 7AC Champion, which it is.
As I note in my captions, the aircraft has been converted to a 7CCM/L-16 version. I have had welcome correspondence with the owners about the aircraft, and they could also confirm that this 1946 aircraft was never built by Champion Aircraft of Wisconsin. it is an Aeronca.