Admin Team: Ken, Paul, Chris, Walt, Malcolm
Suggest the following adjustments be made to database profiles:
9900 This RC-12K profile should be renamed 990 but is otherwise correct.
C15-23 (15-10) Suggest this EF-18A Hornet profile be renamed C15-23 with 15-10 entered as the alternative code thus matching corresponding database profiles.
C15-10 This EF-18BM Hornet is correctly profiled but should be renamed CE15-10 as confirmed by the tailfin in the photographs.
G BIJV Suggest this profile be deleted and photograph AC1096924 added to those with the correct profile G-BIJV.
HA-461 This Agusta AB-412SP should be renamed HAL-461 to match corresponding database profiles.
L9-53 This Pilatus PC-9 is correctly profiled but the invalid linked airframe 91 should be deleted..