Admin Team: Ken, Paul, Chris, Walt, Malcolm
Suggest amendments to Zodiac 100 profiles as follows:
C-FJMP should be linked with N719MS (already linked with another airframe)
N10PZ is correctly profiled with a linked airframe and suggest the other profile be deleted.
N68MF is correctly profiled with two linked airframes and suggest the other profile be deleted.
N89KQ is correctly profiled with a photograph and a linked airframe and suggest the other profile be deleted.
N90QK Suggest the two profiles each with a differing linked airframe be combined.
N102MF is correctly profiled with a photograph and a linked airframe and suggest the other profile be deleted.
N501KQ is correctly profiled with a photograph and a linked airframe and suggest the other profile be deleted.
N509KQ is correctly profiled with a linked airframe and suggest the other profile be deleted.
N564BB is correctly profiled with a photograph and a linked airframe and suggest the other profile be deleted.