Admin Team: Ken, Paul, Chris, Walt, Malcolm
Suggest the following adjustments be made to database profiles:
71_12 Suggest this UH-1D Iroquois be renamed 71 12 to match corresponding database profiles.
9M-WMJ This incomplete profile should be deleted as the airframe is correctly profiled with photographs as ATR 72-212A 9M-MWJ.
B-2910 This Tornado ADV should be renamed 2910.
G-OHMC This invalid profile should be deleted and photograph AC1117003 added to those with the correct PA-28RT-201 Arrow IV profile G-OMHC.
N950ER This Beech Super King Air 350i is correctly profiled but the linked airframe should be corrected to 5211.
OO-JPI There are two profiles for this airframe with differing linked airframes. Suggest they be combined.