Admin Team: Ken, Paul, Chris, Walt, Malcolm
Suggest the following database profiles are adjusted as indicated:
A2-KAS This Beech 200 Super King Air is correctly profiled with two photographs and two linked airframes. Suggest the other profile be deleted.
A6-FCC This Beech 1990C-1 is correctly profiled with a photograph and four linked airframes. Suggest the other profile be deleted.
F-HAAG This Beech 200 King Air is correctly profiled with a photograph and four linked airframes. Suggest the other profile be deleted as the F90 King Air registration was not taken up.
G-PFFN This Beech 200 Super King Air is correctly profiled with eighteen photographs and two linked airframes. Suggest the other profile be deleted.
N1553V This Beech Super King Air 300 is correctly profiled with two linked airframes. Suggest the other profile be deleted.