Admin Team: Ken, Paul, Chris, Walt, Malcolm
Suggest the following adjustments be made to database profiles:
07-137 Suggest this profile be deleted and photograph AC1119481 added to the correct F-22A Raptor profile 07-4137.
C-FCSX This Boeing 737-8CT is correctly profiled with two photographs but the linked airframe with a period symbol should be deleted.
C-FOAM This Pelican Club PL is correctly profiled but the invalid linked airframe FOAM should be deleted.
C-GIWD This Airbus A310-203 c/n 309 should be deleted as C-GIWD is correctly profiled as Airbus A310-304 c/n 472.
EV-8221 This Mi-2URP Hoplite profile should be renamed 8221 but is otherwise correct.
LN NOP Suggest this Boeing Boeing profile be deleted and photograph AC1046998 likewise could be deleted as it duplicates AC1057579 with the correct profile LN-NOP.
N779NC This DC-9-51 is correctly profiled but the invalid linked airframe N48101 corresponding with the airframe c/n should be deleted.
OO-E86 This Alpha Jet E should be corrected to E86 but otherwise is correct.