This profile is erroneous and needs to be deleted. (The associated photo has already been moved.)
Erroneous information has gotten on the Internet and spread like wildfire that 42-65406 was re-serialed when it was converted to the YC-124; this is not true. 48-795 was the first production C-124A, and I only just recently discovered this error while doing in-depth research on 42-65406, which was a C-74 and was converted to the prototype YC-124, later to YC-124A when the engines were changed. The admin note says it was never fitted with a radome, but that must be for 48-795, which the NMUSAF never had, because 42-65406 was retrofitted with a radome before being returned to the USAF for active service.
When the NMUSAF was planning the new museum, they were on schedule to get a C-124C when it retired. In late 1969 they had already decided that it wouldn't be worth while to move the YC-124A and so donated it to the base fire department for training, and the remains were eventually scrapped. The rest of the large planes which were outdoors at the old museum were moved to the new museum location in October 1970.
I've made a dossier at Aerial Visuals using all the information I could get from the NMUSAF and Joe Baugher, just FYI.
I ended up remaking the dossier for 42-65406 this afternoon because the original disappeared while I was in the process of sending data corrections, and the photos went to the erroneous P-40 dossier, which, as noted in my data correction post for that profile, should be deleted and the photo moved to AK987.