Admin Team: Ken, Paul, Chris, Walt, Malcolm
Suggest the following adjustments be made to database profiles:
94-26603 The serial number for this UH-60L Black Hawk should be corrected to 95-26603.
01-3622 This T-6A Texan II is correctly profiled with a photograph. The other profile, wrongly linked with 165984, should be deleted.
D-ABZK This Airbus A320-216 is correctly profiled with two linked airframes. The two other profiles should be deleted.
EC LRN This incomplete profile should be deleted and photograph AC1052364 added to those with the correct A320-214 EC-LRN profile.
N4191A This Hughes OH-6A is correctly profiled with a photograph and two linked airframes of which 17117 should be deleted.
OE-AEO This SE-210 Caravelle VI-N profile should be corrected to OD-AEO and the country location amended to Lebanon.
N410DF This OV-10A is correctly profiled but the linked airframe 1 should be deleted.
VH-COR This Beech A36 Bonanza is correctly profiled but the spurious linked airframe should be deleted.