Admin Team: Ken, Paul, Chris, Walt, Malcolm
Suggest the following adjustments be made to database profiles:
2922 Suggest this MiG-29GT profile be deleted and photograph AC111263 added to that with the profile 29 22.
AE.9-18 This Northrop SF-5B Freedom Fighter profile produces an HTTP 404 response and should be corrected to AE9-18.
A11-90 This profile should be renamed A11-090 to correspond with the RAAF serial presentation.
5B-DBR This Boeing 737-8Q8 is correctly profiled with twenty photographs and two linked airframes. Suggest it be linked also with profile N364LF.
LY-VIP This profile should be deleted and photograph AC240182 added to those with the correct BAe.125-800B profile YL-VIP.
N51DA There are two profiles with differing linked airframes for this Cessna S550 Citation IIS. Suggest they be combined.
N152KV This Cessna 525 CitationJet requires separation from the profile as the correct c/n for this airframe is 525-0152.
N95705 This Cessna 152 is correctly profiled with two photographs and two linked airframes. Suggest the other profile with the same two linked profiles all be deleted.