Admin Team: Ken, Paul, Chris, Walt, Malcolm
The following aircraft have separate database profiles and suggest they be linked:
Airbus A320-214 VQ-BHS with UR-AJA (already linked with two other airframes)
Airbus A320-214 HB-IJX with D-ALTG (already linked with another airframe)
Airbus A320-214 CN-NMG with A6-AND (already linked with another airframe)
Airbus A320-214 VQ-BHS with 6Y-JMF (already linked with two other airframes)
Airbus A320-232 TC-FHE with LZ-MDM (already linked with another airframe)
Airbus A320-232 VT-KFD with OE-IBH (already linked with another airframe)
Airbus A320-232 I-EEZO with SP-ADK (already linked with three other airframes)
Airbus A320-232 ES-SAM with N553JB (already linked with three other airframes)
Airbus A320-232 N543JB with YL-LCP (already linked with two other airframes)