Admin Team: Ken, Paul, Chris, Walt, Malcolm
Suggest the following adjustments be made to database profiles:
7949M Suggest the profile be deleted and 7949M instead added as the alternative code to the Hunter F.4 profile XF974. Photograph AC1033238 likewise should be added to the XF974 profile.
ET-271 This Hunter F.53 is correctly profiled but the linked airframe 35-271 should be deleted as this is the aircraft’s construction number. Suggest the separate profile N10271 be linked in its place.
N8210S Suggest this partial profile and the linked airframe both be deleted.
N12408 This Cessna 208 is correctly profiled with two linked airframes of which NR12408 should be deleted.
SX-FRA This invalid profile should be deleted and photograph AC1144755 could also be deleted as it duplicates photograph AC1095463 with the correct profile of Boeing 757-23N SX-RFA.
TZ-001005 Suggest this spurious profile be deleted.
VH-OOI (3) This profile should be deleted as the aircraft is correctly profiled with a linked airframe as VH-OOI.