Admin Team: Ken, Paul, Chris, Walt, Malcolm
Suggest the following adjustments be made to database profiles:
161232 (07) Suggest this profile be renamed 161232 with 07 shown as the alternative code to match corresponding database profiles.
CS-DSD This Dassault Falcon 7X is correctly profiled with a photograph, but the linked airframe is incorrect and should be deleted. Instead, profile HZ-OFC6 should be linked with the CS-DSD profile.
E-VWSQ Suggest this spurious profile be deleted.
F-GHBJ This Mooney M20K is correctly profiled but the linked airframe is invalid and should be deleted. Instead, the profile should be linked with the N252JP profile.
G-EOAJ Suggest this invalid profile be deleted and photograph AC313336 added to those with the correct profile D-EOAJ.
HA-LKU This Boeing 737-33V is correctly profiled with seven photographs and three linked airframes of which HA-KLU is incorrect and should be deleted.
N458IY Suggest this invalid profile and the misplaced photograph be deleted.
N88328 This Embraer ERJ170-200LR is correctly profiled with two linked airframes of which 88328 is incorrect and should be deleted.
R10-003 This Ilyushin Il-78MP profile should be deleted as the airframe is correctly profiled as R11-003.
VQ-BTU The ownership of this Airbus A321-211 is incorrect and should be amended to UTAir Aviation, Tyumen, Russian Federation.