Suggest the following separate profiles be linked as indicated:
Aeronca 7BCM G-BFAF with N797US
Beech 76 Duchess G-OADY with N5022M
Beech 76 Duchess G-BHGM with N800VM
Beech F90 King Air G-BIEZ with N10DH
Brantly B-2B G-ROOF with N276SA
Brantly B-2B G-ROTR with N2192U
Cameron Balloons N-77 G-BLDZ with N15WD
Cessna A185F Skywagon 185 G-RNRM with N1826R
Cessna 208 Caravan I G-ETHY with N1295M
Enstrom 280C Shark G-MHCH with N557H