Suggest the following adjustments be made to database profiles:
C-GTQG This Boeing 737-8Q8 is correctly profiled with three photographs. The linked airframe C-GWUX should be deleted as this is a different airframe, correctly profiled with photographs.
G-GRIN This Vans RV-6 is correctly profiled with thirty-nine photographs but the linked airframe is invalid and should be deleted.
F-BSRF This Beech 58 Baron is correctly profiled apart from the linked airframe which should be deleted.
N727MThis 727-221 is profiled with four linked airframes of which PP-ITP and S9-BAG are incorrect as they relate to 727-30C c/n 19313.
SX-DND This Airbus A320-232 is correctly profiled with two photographs but the linked airframe is invalid and should be deleted.