Suggest the following adjustments be made to database profiles:
23423 Suggest this profile be deleted and photographs AC1242048 and AC1242050 added to the correct profile 80-23423.
64-0265 Suggest this invalid profile be deleted.
95669 Suggest this profile be deleted and photograph AC1241950 added to the correct profile 09-05669.
0-20603 Suggest this OH-58C Kiowa Scout be renamed 71-20603.
N356PA This AS-350B-3 Ecureuil should be renamed N356P but otherwise is correct.
QE Y Suggest this profile be deleted and photograph AC1087343 added to the correct profile for CA-13 Boomerang A46-174.
T10-8 Suggest this C-130H Hercules be renamed T10-08 to match corresponding database profiles and profile T.10-08, which results in an HTTP 404 error message, should then be deleted.