Suggest the following photographs are relocated as indicated:
AC72493 with BAe.125-800B EC-ELK belongs with McDonnell Douglas MD-88 EC-FLK
AC232534 and AC232535 with PA-28RT-201T Arrow IV N8219V belong with PA-28RT-201T Arrow IV G-BUND but, as they duplicate photographs AC829422 and AC225677 and AC232536 with the G-BUND profile, they may qualify for deletion
AC232874 with SA-341G Gazelle F-GEHA belongs with the linked airframe N7721Y
AC607653 with Saab-Fairchild SF340 N340SZ belongs with Cessna 340A N340ZS
AC659374 with Lockheed 18-56 Lodestar HB-IPR belongs with B-17G Flying Fortress G-BEDF
AC1028474 with KC-135R Stratotanker 57-1456 belongs with KC-135R Stratotanker 59-1456
AC1102775 with Morane-Saulnier MS.317 G-BPLG belongs with Auster J-1N Alpha G-BLPG
AC1177184 with AA-5 Traveler G-BCPM belongs with AA-5 Traveler G-BCPN
AC1184845 with EMB-110P2 Bandeirante G-CHEV belongs with Ikarus C42 FB80 G-CEHV
AC1193068 with AMX MM7171 belongs with AMX ACOL MM7168.