Suggest the following adjustments be made to database profiles:
116-EC Suggest this aircraft-code based profile be deleted and photographs AC1100938, AC1118130 and AC1127203 added to those with the Mirage 2000-5F profile 78 which has the alternative code 116-EC shown as such.
93-0261 This T-1A Jayhawk profile should be deleted as the correct serial is 93-0621 and correctly profiled as such.
07-0608 This C-130J-30 Super Hercules should be deleted as the correct serial is 07-8608 and correctly profiled as such, complete with photographs.
2-JSEG There are two profiles for this airframe, each with a different linked airframe, and suggest they be combined.
CV-340 Whilst the five linked airframes are correct, suggest this purported Convair 580 profile be deleted.
F-MJCC Suggest this radio callsign based profile be deleted and photographs AC1253691 and AC1253692 added to those with the AS-350B Écureuil profile 1916.
N38760Y Suggest this incomplete profile be deleted.
XA-TVG There are two profiles for this Challenger 604 and suggest they be combined.