Suggest the following adjustments be made to database profiles:
15 Suggest this Me-163B-1a Komet profile be deleted and photograph AC336255 added to those with the correct profile 191659.
7057 This DHC-6-100 Twin Otter profile should be deleted as the aircraft is correctly profiled with four photographs as 057.
591473 This invalid profile should be deleted – the aircraft is correctly profiled as KC-135E 59-1473.
91-03790 Whilst otherwise correct, this F-16CM Fighting Falcon should be renamed 91-0379.
F-HFUL This Airbus A320-214 is correctly profiled with five photographs and five linked airframes of which F-HUL is invalid and should be deleted.
G-MCSD This AgustaWestland AW-139 is correctly profiled with seven photographs. Suggest the other profile be deleted and profile YR-VGB linked with the remaining G-MCSD profile.
JA739J This Boeing 777-346ER is correctly profiled with eleven photographs, but the linked airframes are incorrect and should be deleted.
N309EV This MD-90-30 is correctly profiled but three of the linked airframes are invalid. Suggest the profiles N6888F, N6688Fand N8888F be deleted.
OY-RJI This CL-600-2B19 Regional Jet is correctly profiled with twenty-one photographs and two linked airframes of which N413SW is incorrect and should be deleted. N413SW itself is correctly profiled with c/n 7102