Suggest the following photographs are relocated as indicated:
AC19787 with Boeing 737-84P B-2647 belongs with Boeing 747-4J6 B-2447
AC268830 with PA-18-150 Super Cub G-BHGC belongs with PA-32-260 Cherokee Six G-BHGO
AC444565 with SIPA 903 G-SIPA belongs with SIPA 903 G-BBDV
AC474453 with CH-47D Chinook 89-00153 belongs with CH-47D Chinook 92-00290
AC810559 with Lysander III N7791 belongs with Lysander III 2375
AC823759 with Aero L-29 Delfin N699AS belongs with EMB-500 Phenom 100 N669AS