Suggest the following adjustments be made to database profiles:
316-DC Suggest this aircraft-code based profile be renamed 87 and 316-DC added as an alternative code.
FAB-727 This Convair 580 should be renamed FAB-72 and is otherwise correct.
MM-62013 Suggest this profile be deleted as the aircraft is correctly profiled with four photographs as MM62013
N303SG This IAI-1124 Westwind is correctly profiled with four linked airframes of which two are invalid. Profiles SA227-TT and N444LB should be deleted and replaced by the C-GMPF profile.
N722SL This Cirrus SR22T is correctly profiled with a photograph, but the linked airframe is invalid and should be deleted.
N7993K Suggest this incomplete profile be deleted.
N73774 This DC-7C is correctly profiled but the linked airframe is invalid and should be deleted.
PT-ISP Suggest this incomplete profile be deleted.
SX-DVZ This A321-231 is correctly profiled with twenty-four photographs but the linked airframe SX-DZV is incorrect and should be deleted. Photograph AC1166693 with the SX-DZV profile should be added to those with SX-DVZ.