Suggest the following separate profiles be linked as indicated:
Cessna A152 Aerobat G-BRUM with N4693A
Cessna 182R Skylane G-POWL with N9070G
DH.80A Puss Moth G-ABIH with N770N
Piper PA-23-250 Aztec G-AZSZ with N70844
Piper PA-30-160 Twin Comanche G-AVUD with N65PF
Piper PA-39 Twin Comanche C/R G-AZBW with N4297A
Piper PA-46-310P Malibu G-BMMT with N9230T
Vans RV-8 G-CDDY with N701CZ
Varga 2150A Kachina G-BPVK with N4626V
Waco YKS-7 G-BWAC with N50RA