The following aircraft have separate database profiles and suggest they be linked:
Beagle B-206 Series 1 G-BCJF with N181WW
Beagle B-206 Series 2 G-ATYD with N81FN
Beagle B-206 Series 2 G-ATYE with N38JH
Beagle B-206 Series 2 G-AVCJ with N102JF
Beagle B-206 Series 2 G-AVHR with N12CV
Beagle B-206 Series 2 G-AWRM with N26GW
Beagle B-206 Series 2 N53JH with G-AXCB (already linked with another)
Beagle B-206R Basset CC.1 XS770 with G-HRHI