I wish I saw that post earlier so I could reply right away but here is my answer.
"Greater attention is required on his part to check each upload before moving on!
After "already sent numerous contacts to Dariusz " which was single email received on Oct 10th I corrected errors the same day and I started to check more carefully for uploads to correct profiles. I am sorry that this happened but it can be fixed.
Right after that I explained in private message to admin that there is a problem how the airframe profiles are assigned on website and why my software helping me to upload pictures was not working properly, hence the errors. He agreed to that but offered no further help, no offense, I know it is complex issue so I spent many hours to analyse the problem and got it resolved myself.
"connect this with his apparent "race" to increase" - there is no race to increase number of photos; I have many thousands of pictures in my archives and I decided to upload some of them. I was under impression that website could benefit from people trying to upload many interesting and in some cases very unique pictures. Instead of this I read about "race" and rather sarcastic and bitter remark like: "Well with up to 29 images per airframe Dariusz, you'll be there in no time at all!!!!!!"
I will be where? and usually one exclamation mark does the job. :)
Site administrator has a right to delete any photos if they are not conforming to website standards, or remove the member from the website if one violates the upload rules but making comments like this is on open forum is simply unnecessary.
So let's enjoy our hobby in a civilized way, world has enough problems without us adding to it.