Suggest the following adjustments be made to database profiles:
01793 Suggest this C-130H profile be deleted and photograph AC1383405 added to those with the C-130H Hercules profile 90-1793.
8068 Suggest this KC-130J Hercules profile be deleted and photograph AC1383399 added to those with the KC-130J Hercules profile 168068.
19143 Suggest this C-130H profile be deleted and photograph AC1383360 added to that with the C-130H Hercules profile 91-9143.
33125 Suggest this C-17A profile be deleted and photograph AC1383379 added to those with the C-17A Globemaster profile 03-3125.
40068 Suggest this C-17A profile be deleted and photograph AC1382470 added to those with the C-17A Globemaster profile 94-0068.
50730 Suggest this C-40C Clipper profile be deleted and photograph AC1383366 added to those with the C-40C Clipper profile 05-0730.
80058 Suggest this KC-135 profile be deleted and photograph AC1383363 added to that with KC-135R 58-0058 although it duplicates AC1382477 and perhaps could too be deleted.
91055 Suggest this C-130H profile be deleted and photograph AC1383359 added to the C-130H Hercules profile 89-1055.