Congratulations on getting this oddball quiz mainly correct!
My answers differ only on a few of the questions. Source of quiz was AIR FORCE Magazine USAF Almanac 2017 published June 2017. 156 pages of an annual everything about our USAF.
No. 1 answer was US Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs-several other USAF entities in the Springs-Peterson AFB and Cheyenne Mountain AFS, etc. I flew into and out of Colorado Springs for about 4 years in the 1980s.
No. 5 answer was two seats side by side plus 3 rear seats, making 5 stated total seats in the SR20. The rear 3 are called passengers. The trainer does have the CAPS, Cirrus Airframe Parachute System. Max total weight for takeoff was given as 3,050 lb.
No. 6 answer was inventory 24 aircraft as of the stated date vice 25.
No. 8 may have been an ambiguous question-their answer was 12,000 hours of operational flight life of each SR20/T-53A airframe. I don't know that Cirrus has put any such life on the SR20 airframe, but the USAF did-12,000 hours.
Thank you again for basically getting the quiz right