The following aircraft have separate database profiles and suggest they be linked:
Cessna 120 G-BUHZ with N3676V
Cessna 120 G-BTBW with N2009V
Cessna 140 G-AKUR with N1647V
Cessna 140 G-ALOD with N2440V
Cessna 140 G-ALTO with N2040V
Cessna A150K Aerobat G-BPRO with N221AR
Cessna A150L Aerobat G-HFCA with G-TXAS (already linked with another)
Cessna 150E G-BPRP with N3569J
Cessna 150G G-BPGZ with N3612J
Cessna 150J N50588 with G-BNFI (already linked with another)
Cessna 150M G-BRLW with N9255U