The following aircraft have separate database profiles and suggest they be linked:
Aerospatiale AS-350B Ecureuil EC-ERD with G-JORR (already linked with another profile)
Aerospatiale AS-350B-2 Ecureuil VH-NYC with N569KB (already linked with another)
Aérospatiale AS-355F-1 Ecureuil G-BPDP with C-GFKD (each already linked with another profile)
Aerospatiale AS-365N-2 Dauphin TF-EIR with G-BVME (already linked with another airframe)
Aerospatiale SA-365C-1 Dauphin 2 PH-SSC with EC-DYU (already linked with another profile)
Aerospatiale SA-315B Lama G-BUOY with N4183N
Aerospatiale SA-315B Lama N49524 with G-BMUA (already linked with another profile)
Aerospatiale SA-341G Gazelle G-MANN with N4DQ (each already linked with another profile)
Aerospatiale SA-341G Gazelle F-GDXX with G-SFTF (already linked with another profile)