The following aircraft have separate database profiles and suggest they be linked:
Fokker F-27-200 Friendship D-BAKU with F-BRHL (each already linked with other airframes)
Fokker F-27-200 Friendship AP-BAL with F-BUFE (already linked with two others)
Fokker F-27-200 Friendship F-OGIF with D-BAKK (each already linked with other airframes)
Fokker F-27-200 Friendship N276MA with G-BMAP (already linked with four other airframes)
Fokker F-27-500 Friendship F-BPUB with HB-ISY (each already linked with other profiles)
Fokker F-27-500 Friendship OE-ILW with N19KK (each already linked with other airframes)