The following aircraft have separate database profiles and suggest they be linked:
Airbus A321-211 OE-LCM with D-ABCM (already linked with another)
Airbus A330-202 I-EJGB with VT-JWG (each already linked with another profile)
Airbus A330-203 D-AXGF with A7-AFM (already linked with another)
Airbus A330-243 OY-VKF with G-CSJS (already linked with another)
Airbus A340-541 60204 with HS-TLC (already linked with another)
Airbus A350-941 A7-AMC with PR-XTE (already linked with another)
Airbus A350-941 HS-THD with F-WZNZ c/n 095
Airbus A350-941 9V-SMS with F-WZNZ c/n 158
Airbus A350-941 9V-SMR with F-WZND c/n 140
Airbus A350-941 B-LRG with F-WZFB c/n 0053
Airbus A350-941 B-LRM with F-WZND c/n 0075