Suggest the following adjustments be made to database profiles:
37809 This Saab Sk37E Viggen is correctly profiled with a photograph but the linked airframe N37809 is incorrect and should be deleted.
F-GKHG Suggest the invalid linked airframe with this Enstrom 280C Shark be replaced by the G-KLAY profile.
G-BHXR This Thunder Balloons Ax7-65 Bolt is correctly profiled but the inked airframe is invalid and should be deleted.
N3261F This Vans RV-7 is correctly profiled, but the linked airframe is invalid and should be instead linked with the C-47B Skytrain profile. Its place should be taken by the RV-7 profile G-CGWF.
VH-XXX Suggest this Embraer 170LR (ERJ-170-100LR) profile be corrected to VH-ANF.