The following aircraft have separate database profiles and suggest they be linked:
PA-28-161 N9089K with D-EIHK
PA-28-161 G-BPWZ with N4307N
PA-28-161 N91842 with G-KDET (already linked with another airframe)
PA-28-161 G-BMFP with N3032L
PA-28-161 G-BNNO with N8307X
PA-28-161 VH-JYR with N2592M
PA-28-161 G-BZDA with N41814
PA-28-161 N22065 with G-ENNA (already linked with another airframe)
PA-28-161 G-BOMY with N8457S
PA-28-161 N118AV with G-MSFT (already linked with another airframe)
PA-28-161 N83085 with G-GURU (already linked with another airframe)