Suggest the following database profiles are adjusted as indicated:
G-BMIH This HS.125 Series 700B is correctly profiled with four linked airframes. Suggest the other profile be deleted.
G-BXGB This Eurocopter AS-350BB Squirrel HT1 is correctly profiled with two linked airframes. Suggest the other profile be deleted.
G-PCJS this Diamond DA-42 NG Twin Star is correctly profiled with four photographs and a linked airframe. Suggest the other profile be deleted.
N261SK This Embraer ERJ-145LR is correctly profiled with four photographs and a linked airframe. Suggest the other profile be deleted.
N330VP This Beech F90-1 King Air is correctly profiled with two linked airframes. Suggest the other profile be deleted.
N696BJ This Boeing 737-3Q8 is correctly profiled with four linked airframes. Suggest the other profile be deleted.
N751BA This Boeing 737-8AS is correctly profiled with a linked airframe. Suggest the other profile be deleted.
N32307 This PA-28-151 is correctly profiled. Suggest the PA28-151 profile be deleted.
N51981 This Rotorway Scorpion 133 is correctly profiled. Suggest the other profile be deleted.