Suggest the following database profiles are adjusted as indicated:
60-0359 This KC-135R Stratotanker is correctly profiled with six photographs. Suggest the other profile c/n 60-359 be deleted.
C-FMKZ This Bombardier BD-700-1A10 Global Express is correctly profiled with a linked airframe. Suggest the other profile be deleted.
F-BMDJ This Fournier RF-3 is correctly profiled with a linked airframe. Suggest the other profile be deleted.
F-OHVQ This Eurocopter EC-120B Colibri is correctly profiled with four linked airframes. Suggest the other profile be deleted.
G-CEXR This PA-28-161 Warrior II is correctly profiled with eleven photographs and a linked airframe. Suggest the other profile, complete with the N70FT profile, be deleted.
G-VIPV This PA-31-350 Chieftain is correctly profiled with five photographs and three linked airframes. Suggest the other profile be deleted.
N309FR This Airbus A320-251N is correctly profiled with four photographs and a linked airframe. Suggest the other profile be deleted.
N56918 This PA-28-151 is correctly profiled. Suggest the PA28-151 profile be deleted and photograph AC313515 added to the retained profile.