Suggest the following adjustments be made to database profiles:
50 This Mirage IIIC is correctly profiled but suggest the linked airframe be shown as the alternative code.
3546 This Boeing N2S-2 is correctly profiled but the linked airframes 3546 (BUNO. and 3546 (BUNO.) should be deleted.
76533 Suggest this Boeing 737-800 profile be deleted as the aircraft is correctly profiled with photographs as Boeing 737-824 N76533.
07-8723 Suggest this CH-47F Chinook profile be deleted as the helicopter is correctly profiled with photographs as 07-08723.
14-5810 Whilst otherwise correct this profile should be renamed 15-5810.
VH-ETO This profile should be deleted and photographs AC794534 and AC794535 added to the correct PA-32R-301 Saratoga II HP profile VH-FTO.