Suggest the following adjustments be made to database profiles:
57 This AS-365F Dauphin profile is correctly linked with N365SH but should be renumbered 50. They should then be joined with the Irish Air Corps profile 247.
31335 This C-23C Sherpa profile should be deleted as the aircraft is correctly profiled with photographs as 93-1335.
CGDBR Suggest this profile be deleted as the airframe is correctly profiled as C-GDBR.
F-OCVS This Reims FRA150L Aerobat is correctly profiled with a photograph but the linked profile is invalid and should be deleted.
G-HKSD This HK-36TC Super Dimona is correctly profiled with four photographs but the linked airframe N105AM is duplicated and one should be deleted.
N430MK This Bell 430 is correctly profiled, but the linked profile TC HUC should be deleted and replaced with the TC-HUC profile complete with a linked airframe EI-TIP.