The following aircraft have separate database profiles and suggest they be linked:
Piper PA-22-150 Caribbean G-ARHO with OY-ACW
Piper PA-23-160 Apache HS-CHG with N3277P
Piper PA-24-250 Comanche G-APUZ with G-TALF
PA-28-140 Cherokee G-BZWG with N9656K
PA-28-180 Cherokee OY-BBY with G-FELM (already linked with one other)
PA-28RT-201T N8219V with G-BUND (already linked with one other)
PA-28RT-201 Arrow IV N2183N with VH-LSG
PA-31T-620 Cheyenne II F-GCLH with N178SG
PA-32-301 Saratoga N2607X with G-WAIR